Welcome to our 2025 monthly newsletter.
In these difficult times, we need to communicate with each other more than ever. This update of the Clallam Democrats newsletter will give you news, notices, events (and a little fun) that we need to resist the onslaught from the GOP and the Right.
You can contact us at ClallamCountyDems@gmail.com.
Did you notice our newsletter doesn't have a name yet? Email us your suggestions, and we'll pick one for next month!
Would you like to help with the newsletter? Let us know how you’d like to help. Needs: graphics designer, cartoonist, writer, editor, or…?
Do you know of events, meetings, or groups we should know about?
Do you have a story to tell – an event you attended, your experience helping in campaigns, some amazing experiences from your past? Send it to us!
Here are some words from Ellen Menshew, CCD Chair:
It has been a very busy few weeks for me as your new Chair. I’m pleased at what we have accomplished so far and even more excited about our work going forward.
Where were you on Nov. 5, 2024, the day that Donald Trump was elected to a second term as President of the United States? The date remains seared into my still disbelieving brain. Though the results of the presidential election were ghastly, they’ve ignited a new fire in our bellies to stand strong and keep up the fight. Clallam County may have lost her bellwether status, but she hasn’t lost her will to RESIST!
I attended the Washington State Democratic Central Committee reorganization meeting on Jan. 25th and 26th in Tacoma. Joining me, representing Clallam County, were our two State Committee members: Julie Johnson and Kenneth Reandeau. There were many new members joining the state committee, along with a noticeably younger contingent, and an always increasing diversity. The Muslim Caucus held their first official meeting, and the room was packed, SRO. It was a goosebump moment to be surrounded by such diversity and inclusion. We are stronger together!
A few current issues that many of our members are rallying around are:
Sequim School District has a bond and a levy on the ballot right now! We need to turn out voters and encourage support for our schools to provide students with safe and fully equipped learning environments in which to thrive. Sign waving on the corner of Sequim Ave. & Washington St. at noon on the next two Saturdays is one way to get involved!
Our local hospital is also in a state of flux. Continuing financial shortages have them considering a strategic partnership. Maintaining access to comprehensive medical care is vital to every resident in our community. On Feb. 26th, we will be hosting a forum with Olympic Medical Center CEO, Darryl Wolfe and others. Save the date and check our website calendar for more information.
Community impacts from the Trump Executive Orders: Many of our members, along with our greater community, are concerned about ICE actions that could affect our friends and fellow community members. Our Immigration Action Group has been collaborating with other groups and agencies to determine how we can help support our friends, neighbors and community members who may be suffering. Also, cuts in federal funding will affect jobs and services in our community and negatively impact our local economy. Join one of our focus groups to share your time and talent.
Looking ahead, we have amazing energy coming from our committees and local focus groups. The state party constituency caucuses are doing great work as well. I’d encourage you to become a member and get involved in one or more of these. I look forward to getting to know and work with each of you as we continue building momentum and RESIST!
In solidarity,
Ellen Menshew
Chair, Clallam County Democrats
You can contact me via email: clallamdemschair@gmail.com or phone: (360)477-5104
This section highlights the work of Clallam Democrat Committees and Action Groups. The County Party has a variety of Standing and Ad Hoc Committees. Action Groups are spontaneous, self-organized initiatives that came out of meetings of folks after the November 2024 election, looking for actions to resist the federal GOP government.
The Comms & Marketing Committee met in January to discuss strategies for the upcoming 2 years.
The website has been revised, and improvements will continue to be made.
A group is working on a new and improved newsletter (this is the first one!)
Representative Adam Bernbaum hosted a forum on youth participation in the democratic process on February 1 at 4:00 p.m. at the Clallam Democrats headquarters. PA City Councilwoman Navarra Carr and Young Democrats of Washington VP Waylon Menzia also attended.
Meetings are held on the first Monday of each month.
Want to help? Contact Denise at cane.travel@gmail.com or 206-419-9555.
At a January 18, 2025 meeting, this group heard from the League of Women Voters (LWV), who support willing participants at schools. The representative brought examples of resource books and offered to send links with more information. LWV is concerned with the poor literacy levels in civics, government, and other subject areas. LWV is completely non-partisan, and researches and takes positions on issues that the group agrees to. The group considered actions such as refresher courses in Government 101 and distributing information to schools. The Americans of Conscience Checklist is a way to take action now. Information is also available at the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Read the entire Action Group’s report on our website
Want to get involved? Contact: Darlene Clemens dr.darleneclemens@olypen.com
Here are some immigration action items the group identified:
Deportation hotline: If you observe ICE activity, contact the Washington Immigration Solidarity Network (WAISN) hotline at 1-844-724-3737. There are reports that ICE has been stopping buses near 7 Cedars and people at the Sequim Walmart.
Help set up a community meeting: Jefferson County Immigrant Rights Advocates is eager to support the Clallam County community and can facilitate a meeting about how immigrants are threatened here on the Olympic Peninsula and how we can be allies.
Become part of a Rapid Response network: Get trained to respond to ICE raids and support our community.
Share Know Your Rights cards— everyone should learn about these.
Read the entire Action Group’s report on our website
Training: RAPID RESPONSE online training on Wednesday, Feb. 5, 6:00 pm, facilitated by the Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network. Click here to register.
Next meeting: Friday, Feb 7th, noon, Clallam Dems HQ, Port Angeles.
Want to get involved? Contact: Carole Scholl carolesnews2@gmail.com
Representative Bernbaum discusses Young Democrats
Thanks to all who attended the Youth in Government Program at the HQ on Saturday. Thanks also to State Representative Adam Bernbaum, City Councilperson Navarra Carr, and WADEMS Young Democrats Government Affairs Chair Waylon Menzia who answered questions about how to keep young people engaged in the political process. A mix of youth and senior citizens peopled the audience and engaged in vibrant discussion about the ways the Democratic Party is failing to listen to its young constituents and gifting them with a future of gloom and doom. Participants agreed that young and old have much in common, and we can create a space for young people at the table to participate in events without expecting them to lead all the time. There were about 25 in attendance, who enjoyed pizza and collaboration with their local legislators.
“Takin’ It to the Streets” by The Doobie Brothers
Let’s test our knowledge of the Constitution!
How many Senators are in the US Senate?
How old must you be to vote in a US federal election?
Which state was last accepted as a US state, and when was it?
According to the US Constitution, who are citizens?
Scroll down to see the answers.

What does resilience mean to you in the face of adversity, and how can we cultivate that strength in our lives? How can the message of rising above hate inspire us to support others facing discrimination or oppression?
Coconut Macaroons for Valentine’s Day (or Passover)
Wheat-free and dairy-free deliciousness from Autumn and Paul Pickett.
4.75 cups unsweetened finely shredded coconut (385g by weight)
1.5 cups granulated sugar, more if you like it sweeter (or a little less too)
3/4 cup egg whites (from 5 to 6 large eggs) no need to whip
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. Line a baking sheet or two with parchment paper.
In a medium saucepan, combine all the ingredients over medium-low heat. Cook, stirring continuously, for about 5 minutes or most likely longer until a temperature of 130F is reached. Note that the mixture will seem very dry at first, but will moisten as it cooks and get a little harder to stir. It will sizzle a little when it’s hot enough. (Stir so it doesn’t burn, although a lot of stirring slows the
Scoop out the size of macaroon you like, shape into mounds or traditional pyramids onto the sheet.
Bake for 10-20 minutes, until golden brown on the edges. A little more brown produces a crispy outside and soft moist inside. You will have to watch carefully the first time as the size of the macaroon with determine the time needed. I usually make them the size of a walnut shell and it takes about 12 minutes in my oven.
Remove from the oven and cool the macaroons completely on a wire rack.
If you desire, pour melted chocolate over them or dip into melted chocolate. But I love these without.
This recipe was adapted from one by fifteenspatulas.com
News from Clallam County’s and Washington’s resistance to onslaught from President Troll and his GOP minions.
When the President tried to change our constitution with an Executive Order to overturn Birthright Citizenship, our new Attorney General, Nick Brown, immediately filed a lawsuit to block that order. U.S. District Court Judge John Coughenour, an appointee of Ronald Reagan serving in Seattle, promptly slapped a restraining order on the Troll administration. “I’ve been on the bench for over four decades, I can’t remember another case where the question presented is as clear as this one is. This is a blatantly unconstitutional order,” Coughenour stated. “Frankly, I have difficulty understanding how a member of the bar could state unequivocally that this is a constitutional order. It just boggles my mind.”
Meanwhile, from Sequim to Sunnyside, President Troll has set loose the dogs of ICE to round up immigrants. In Washington and Clallam County, resistance is growing. Check the Action Highlights above for more information.
Also, a Washington immigrants rights group, Northwest Immigrants Rights Project, joined in filing a lawsuit against a President Troll’s order shutting down four programs aimed at providing legal help to immigrants. The order blocked legal orientation programs “without any explanation as to the reasons for the stop, the duration of the stop or whether the stop is intended to be temporary,” the lawsuit says. The move will increase the number of people who will be forced to navigate the complex immigration system without ever speaking to a lawyer about the immigration process, their obligations, or the legal remedies available to them. There are already 3.6 million cases pending, and cases are expected to increase dramatically with current federal actions.
Here are some events we have for you this month:
Wednesday, Feb. 5, 6:00 - 8:00 pm: Rapid Response online training facilitated by the Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network. Click here to register.
Friday, Feb. 7, noon – 1:00 pm: Immigrant Action Group.
Monday, Feb. 10, 7:00 – 9:00 pm: WA Indivisible Network Zoom call, “We Fight on, Together”. Click here to register.
Wednesday, Feb. 12, 6:00 – 7:00 pm: CCD General Membership Meeting (hybrid)
Thursday, Feb 20, 11:45 am: "Port Angeles Loves Canada!" event. Let’s welcome the people coming from Canada on the Coho’s first voyage since its maintenance break. Signs and banners of a positive nature are encouraged!
Third Tuesday of every month, from noon to 1:00 pm: Chat ‘n’ Chew at the Asian Buffet. No rsvp; just show up. No host. Next one: Feb. 18.
For more details and the latest events, check the calendar on our website.
How many Senators are in the US Senate?
100How old must you be to vote in a US federal election?
18Which state was last accepted as a US state, and when was it?
Hawaii, on August 21, 1959According to the US Constitution, who are citizens?
The 14th Amendment defines citizenship as: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”
Survey: Which social media sites do you use regularly?
Please click this link to let us know: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MLF2GZY
Thank you for reading and being a part of the change and resistance our country needs. Together, we will defend Democracy. Stay active, and see you next month!